SeniorLife Available only through select banking partners. SeniorLife is a level premium, guaranteed issue whole life product available only through select banking partners. Because it is guaranteed issue, there are no health qualifications to be eligible. You just need to be between the ages of 50 and 75. SeniorLife has a limited death benefit for the first two policy years for non-accidental death. After that, death benefits equal the full face amount for the life of the policy. Guaranteed Issue Available to ages 50-75 Renewable and convertible to whole life up to age 75 Limited Death Benefit first 2 years for non-accidental death, level death benefits starting Year 3 Learn More *Maximum face amount $25,000, subject to maximum limit permitted for guaranteed and simplified issue products. Death benefits are not payable for death within the first two policy years should the insured commit suicide or make a material misrepresentation on the application for coverage.